Why we should weep for the lost

We are in the midst of Holy Week. The week that Christians around the world observe to remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This past Sunday, many of our churches may have highlighted Jesus’ triumphal entry. That moment in history when he made his final pilgrimage to Jerusalem, humbly riding on the back of a donkey. As he did, many of the people along the route spontaneously threw down palm branches and cried: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

I am well acquainted with this part of the story. But yesterday, as I was reading my Bible, something less familiar jumped out at me. It comes right after Jesus has passed through the crowds and is approaching Jerusalem. As he looks down over the city- knowing what will ultimately transpire in the coming days – he begins to weep. Not for himself, but for the people who will ultimately reject him and his gift of Salvation.

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A Table And A Prayer

Recently, I had the cumbersome task of returning some ridiculously heavy tables to our church storage shed. I had borrowed them for a garage sale the week before, and was finally able to bring them back. My neighbor kindly helped me lift the hefty metal monsters into my mini-van and then I headed down the road alone.

Unorganized as usual, I hadn’t bothered to call ahead to let anyone know I was coming. I just assumed someone at the church might be available to help me unload my hefty cargo. Half way down the road, however, I thought I should probably ask the Lord to provide some assistance. Continue reading

Even When It’s Cold Outside

Baby it’s cold outside! We’re talking Polar Vortex cold. For the past couple of days, my beautiful State of Minnesota has been grappling with negative temperatures and wind chills that, believe it or not, have measured colder than Antarctica!

Don’t get me wrong, we Minnesotans are tough.  Last year, when our state hosted Superbowl LII, we actually came up with the logo “Bold North” to celebrate the fact that we aren’t afraid to get out and enjoy life when the temperatures drop.  We love our winter carnival, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, hockey, and of course – fishing on frozen lakes.

But the past few days have been RIDICULOUS!  So much so, that most of the state has been sequestered indoors.  Many of our schools have been closed for 3-4 days.  Some businesses chose not to open, mail delivery was suspended, and even the state senate called it quits! Continue reading

The Daughter I Havent Met…Yet

In honor of Pregnancy and infant Loss Remembrance Day, I wanted to repost an article that I wrote a few years ago. I hope that my experience, will help to bring comfort and peace to someone who is grieving today.

Christy Engelhart

The abdominal cramping started less than an hour into the trip home from my girl’s weekend away. I figured I was experiencing indigestion from the exceedingly rich and creamy entrée I had devoured at lunch. As we continued down the road, however, I quickly realized this was more than just a stomach ache. Sweat formed on my brow as my abdominal muscles continued to contract with increasing intensity. Then the nausea set in.

“Can you pull over?”

I stumbled out of the truck and dropped to my knees. I could feel the rough roadside gravel digging into my jeans as I hunched over and prepared to expel everything from my insides. Instead, I curled into the fetal position as another wave of pain coursed through my body.

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The First Time

“It’s time to go guys!  Get your shoes on!”  My simple request fell on deaf ears as my three rambunctious kiddos tore around the house, continuing to play a rowdy game of hide-and-go-seek tag.

“Come on! Let’s go!  We are going to be late.”  I said in a slightly firmer voice.

This time, my kids paused long enough to acknowledge that I was standing in the hallway and words were coming out of my mouth.  However, I suspect they were experiencing the Charlie Brown phenomenon where every adult word sounded like a muffled trumpet: “wha, wha, wha, wha, wha wha wha whaaaa.” Continue reading

Discipline and Delight?

Last night I caught my seven-year-old son trying to sneak a nutella snack pack AND a package of fruit snacks into his room right before bed.  His ingenious plan? Hiding the treats in his socks.  His SOCKS! He might have actually succeeded if it hadn’t been for the distinct sound of plastic packaging crunching against his little ankles.

I have to admit that as I shook my head and confiscated the “stolen merchandise,” I had to hide a smile.  I wasn’t thrilled with the sneaky behavior (there WILL be consequences) but I was slightly amused with his creativity.  Continue reading

The Gift Of Wonder

I was in a hurry.  My mind was set on one goal.  Get into the store and get out!  We needed paper plates and some white table cloths for an upcoming event, and that was it.  I had NO time to dilly dally and look through the aisles of “junk” in our local dollar store.

But my young daughter had other plans.  You see, when we walked into that discount store, she didn’t see cheap trinkets.  Instead, she saw aisle upon aisle of treasure.  Everything was new and exciting. Breathtaking even.

As she excitedly flitted from one chintzy item to the next, her eyes were wide with wonder.  Every once in a while, she would let out a little gasp of glee at her newest discovery.   Continue reading

A Day Of Reckoning

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog.  Life has been a bit of a blur, and to be honest, I just haven’t made the time to sit down to write.  But in light of the many accounts of sexual abuse allegations that have blown up the Internet, news organizations and social media platforms alike – Matt Lauer being the latest in a long list of high-profile people accused – I thought it might be worth taking a few minutes to put some thoughts on paper.

First, to the brave women (and men) who have been victimized and have found the courage to speak out and share what has happened to you – THANK YOU!  Thank you for facing your pain and maybe your fear and for sharing your stories.  Thank you for bringing attention (i.e. shining light) onto an issue that has festered and flourished in the darkness for far too long.

Your voice matters!  You. Matter.

In Luke 12:2-3 we read: “There is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.  Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.” 

Things done in darkness will eventually be exposed.   At some point, we will ALL be held accountable for our actions.  A day of reckoning will come.  Continue reading

Four Ways To Foster Fantastic Friendships

“There‘s nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” ― Linda Grayson

I love my children. And I absolutely adore my husband.  But sometimes, I don’t know what I would do without my girlfriends.  They help me keep my sanity on the days when I feel like I could completely lose my marbles.  They make me laugh when I would rather cry.   They love me on the beautiful days and when my inner beast comes roaring onto the scene.  They are truly a gift.

Authentic, soul-satisfying friendship is one of the sweetest things we can experience in life. It is something to be cherished and cultivated. But I’ve learned that genuine, life-giving friendships won’t happen by chance.

So what does it take to foster fantastic friendships? Continue reading

The Power Of Praise

I woke up feeling utterly exhausted.  I had barely slept.  My almost 4-year old daughter was up multiple times in the night, crying out from the darkness, pleading for someone to come and rescue her.   Her little body was urging her to get up to go to the bathroom, but her slumber weary mind seemed powerless to actually help her complete the task.

Experience had taught me that if I waited too long to respond, I’d be changing sheets in the dark, and doing extra loads of soil-stained laundry in the morning.  So I groggily willed myself out of bed and answered her persistent calls of distress. Continue reading